Sunday, November 28, 2010

DIY - cloud ceramic creation

here something for anyone who likes to make a craft. little amazing clouds statue by ceramic.this webpage will show you the way to a fabulous ceramic craft. it's cute and customizable too.

via sharesomecandy


Patrick Kyle

Patrick Kyle is a fine artist and illustrator living in Toronto, Canada. He Graduated from The Ontario College of Art and Design in 2009. Patrick has exhibited work in Canada, The United States, Europe and Australia.

Patrick is the co-founder and editor of Wowee Zonk, a comic book anthology featuring contemporary comic strips by up and coming artists from Toronto.
and these are his paintings. i like his strokes and light colors

via booooooom


ex-cyclist in a cop suit

this morning, me and my friends were cycling through jalan DAGO (DAGO is a main street in Bandung) and watching some gigs and art performances in car-free-day time. we had a good time there, but that was not I'm going to write here. Something funny was happen after that.

when car-free-day thing ended, I was pedaling my bike when some strange police called me. I stopped and suddenly shocked because actually the one who called me was a cop! *barnacles!*.
I feel frightened because I don't think I've done something wrong. after approaching me, the cop just wanted to borrow my bike obviously. he quickly jumped into the bike and act like a pro cyclist, and the medal at his uniform told me that he was a commander! it's so funny. you guys have to see him when he do a tricks in a BMX too LOL

because of my fault that I forgot to bring my camera I have no picture of that guy, but i have draw it. hope you like it.

that cop and my fixie (I haven't told you that he is fat LOL)



almost twelve hours ago I have decided to change this blog's layout. But in fact, it's not as easy as I thought. maybe because I've got lack of sleep last night or I just lost my mood hahaha.

new layout (*thumbdown*)
you can compare with the old one here
there are almost no different from old to new layout, aren't it?
ah maybe i just need to post something cool to cover this mess hahaha

huh, just like my friend said, "layout doesn't matter" :D


Saturday, November 27, 2010

reborn and refresh

good afternoon,
after my escape from the 'blog' world, I finally decided to go back here and write some post (rarely) and maybe share something (that I think) great.
my first step is change my layout which is awful (plus deleting some weird post).
but i also put the old layout-screenshot for my archive

let's see what i can do with this layout later. maybe better